The Reclamation company was formed over twenty years ago in order to compliment our specialist period property building company in the buying and selling of period building materials. Initially the bulk of materials dealt with were local building materials i.e. stone, bricks, flagstones, stone tiles etc. Over the years the diversity has grown and the volume has increased. With the increase of demand for materials this led to the undertaking of demolitions and site clearances, which is still the main source of materials today. So we are always happy to discuss any demolition projects with a view to reclaiming the materials.
Coupled together with the buidling company, we maintain a keen interest in all aspect of period properties and aswell as selling the products, we regularly work with them and consequently know the potential pitfalls when working with reclaimed goods. The nature of the products means that there are pitfalls associated, which we are more than aware and therefore select our materials and purchase them in a condition that we would only be prepared to use ourselves. Although this does sound an obvious point, having purchased many times from other reclamation companies it is suprising how many sellers have no interest in the suitability of the product for the intended project.
We always make a point of discussing these matters with our customers to ensure that no disappointment or unanticipated cost are incurred. For example, it is a false economy to purchase reclaimed bricks at a low price only to add hours of additional work to your builders fee for cleaning and preparing them. These sorts of unnneccesary problems, we feel we can erradicate with our experience of the products from both sides of the reclamation shop counter.
Please feel free to browse the website either for a specific product or for ideas. If there is not the item you are looking for in stock, feel free to contact us with your details and the item you are looking for and we will be happy contact you if and when the product arises. Due to the nature of all reclaimed materials, availability is unlike new products where you can guarantee supply, with reclamation goods some products sell far quicker than they can be sourced.